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Intake Date~ January 2022
Adopted ~ January 2022 



He is now named Velcro due to his first interaction with my roommate she opened his crate to say hi and he sprung out and stuck clinging to her sweatshirt, and she jokingly started calling him Velcro kitty or sticky kitty and Velcro just fit right. It’s become his signature move; he will come up to people and tap them and if they invite him, he will leap into their arms and just cling to them and solicit love.

He is doing incredible and is the cat I never knew I needed. And I can’t thank you enough! He truly is something special. He gets along great with the rest of my crew. He and my older 2-year-old cat have become best friends and I love watching them play!

Velcro also loves dogs; he has come to work with me a couple times to hang out in the office or roam around while I clean after classes. He’s super popular with all our clients they think he is the coolest cat ever. And he adores all the attention and people, He has also met a couple of cat savvy adult dogs and cat familiar puppies that take classes at the facility he doesn’t even bat an eye he just trots up and says hi!

He has recently discovered the joys of leashed hikes with my youngest dog and I and loves exploring. He is also super motivated, and we have started learning tricks! We are also learning how to be polite with people’s food and not steal food off the coffee table.


Intake Date ~ November 2021 

Adopted ~ December 2021 


I got Purrrsephone (formerly known as Anara) as a companion for my 9-month-old kitten who was very shy and skittish around people other than me, but very curious about other cats.  I specifically wanted a younger kitten so that the older one didn’t feel threatened in her own space.  Purr was about three months old when we brought her home on Solstice, and by Christmas Day, the two kittens were utterly inseparable.  The past 7 weeks have been a nonstop explosion of cuteness.  They play together, sleep and snuggle together, and groom each other, but are still interested in hanging out with their humans. Having Purr around has made the other kitten much more confident, secure, and outgoing.  Purr could not be a better fit for our home, and we adore her!


Intake Date ~ January 2023

Adopted ~ February 2023 

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Intake Date~ May 2020
Adopted ~ November 2021 



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Ella & Bea

Intake Date ~ October 2021 

Adopted ~ January 2022 



Intake Date ~ May 2014 

Adopted ~ December 2017 

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I write to you from North Carolina - a long way from Montana and Bitten's beginnings. 


Five years ago, I'd been visiting AniMeals with a friend simply to pet cats and give them some love. I hadn't intended on adopting a new family member, but the universe had different plans for me that day. In the last enclosure I visited, I met the saddest, most hopeless cat I'd ever seen. Her long black and white fur was dull and no matter what I did, this cat wouldn't stop looking at the ground. I tried all my cat tricks to get some reaction out of her - treats, chin scratches, crumpled paper. But she had given up. 


I called over an AniMeals staff member and asked about the cat's story. Jezebel, as she'd been named, had been returned to the shelter THREE times for no discernable reason. As I listened to the staff member recap her medical file, I knew immediately that I'd come to AniMeals on that very day to meet this cat. 


The next day, after immediately going out to PetSmart and outfitting the house for her arrival, I returned to AniMeals to pick up my newest family member. I'll never forget what happened next because I still can't believe it. Jezebel walked right into the cat carrier, quietly sat in the passenger seat the whole way home, and stepped into her new life as if she'd been there all along. 


Since that day, Jezebel has taken the name "Bittens" and has traveled the country with her dog sister, Nala. Together, they've seen the Atlantic Ocean, hiked along the Appalachian trail, roamed the 20 acres of my new home in NC, and adopted a new family herself. She went from hopeless to homebound, forever spoiled, and always loved.  I have AniMeals to thank for never giving up on Bittens because, without them, I never would have met her. 

Tiger Lily


Intake Date ~ January 2016

Adopted ~ October 2017 


It was early September 2017 and my favorite aunt/second mom passed away suddenly from brain tumor complications and my senior tuxedo kitty Dharma passed three weeks after that from old age. To say I was devastated and heartbroken was an understatement. Dharma was the last kitty of the two fur babies I had since I was 8 years old, so I felt lost and empty without my fur baby soul mates. So, I decided to go to AniMeals and throw myself into visiting/volunteering with the kitties almost daily for weeks! 

That's when I met my new furry soul mate, Tiger Lily, aka "TLil". She is now the kitty love of my life! I just knew I had to adopt her because she was absolutely MISERABLE at the shelter and kept getting upper respiratory infections and pulling out her fur because she was just one of those kitties who do the worse in a shelter-type situation and she's not a "cat person", she despises other cats, but she loves people! Especially people who feed her and give her treats! Well, it's been more than 4 years now since that fateful day in early November when I was approved to adopt her through the Gaia's Landing Program (the best, most generous and philanthropic program to ever exist in the animal rescue world!!!)

So just know, when you go to meet kitties to adopt, make sure to take time with the ones who are having a rough time, they just might need YOU and a warm, safe home to call their home. Tiger Lily absolutely BLOSSOMED when she got home. The difference was night and day!


It's been four-plus beautiful years with TLil and she's almost 19!!! I strive to pamper her to my best ability with a mix of high-quality grain-free wet food and freeze-dried raw food (which are diabetic friendly!) and I swear her coat is as soft as ever and she is spry as ever. She also has a never-ending supply of fresh water from her metal kitty water fountain which she LOVES! She also has hypoallergenic, eco-friendly litter that is made of grass! No more dust and no more allergies!!! Even though she was declawed as a kitten I believe, she can jump up and down furniture like no one's business, but I prefer to provide her with kitty stairs up and down her queen-sized bed, so she is always as comfortable as possible. She needs a bed fit for a Queen, and she is my beautiful Queen Tiger Lily. She has her very own bedroom where if I'm sleeping in the same bedroom, she will run an obstacle course around the room (like a kitten!!!) including jumping right over my head repeatedly and knocking everything possible over until I feed her again. I'd say she's pretty darn spry for an almost 19-yr-old, I want her to live well into her 20s, at least!!! :) She even has her very own Catio - google it! :) It is an enclosure off a window or door of a house usually, where they can touch the bare ground and get fresh air, without the dangers of free-roaming like getting taken by a predator or hit by a car or something else devastating and uncertain, catios are the absolute best compromise for an indoor/outdoor kitty, especially a senior kitty who is declawed and is toothless! 

Ever since adopting Tiger Lily and volunteering at AniMeals as much as humanly possible, I have discovered a newfound purpose in helping spread awareness about holistic health in the animal world and beyond and have helped many families and friends in need with helping care and rehabilitate their fur babies. Working with animals is my life mission and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's all thanks to Tiger Lily and AniMeals inspiring me to become the absolute best version of myself and that is to be of service to others, especially in the animal rescue and animal care world. So, THANK YOU AniMeals for all you do and making all of this possible to connect humans with their furry soulmates, day in and day out. My life will never be the same because I now have a purpose that lie dormant for way too long. If you feel like there's something missing in your life, it could be time to start volunteering, donating time and/or resources and being of service to others and possibly saving a life by adopting your next furry soul mate.

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Intake Date ~ February 2022

Adopted ~ September 2022

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Strider stole my heart right from the beginning. He came in all grumpy, and growling. It was obvious he hadn’t been cared for properly. He was so bloated that he looked pregnant, and his blood glucose was way out of control. We worked hard to get everything sorted out, but it's not every day that we have a cat come over with a 40-page medical history. We were able to get him a bit more stable, but he was never able to fully acclimate to shelter life.


Every time we made progress and thought he was finally good; he would lose weight and get sick again. He also wasn't very well emotionally. He just kind of laid around and spent a lot of time out of site. In March he was back in the ICU and was sicker than he'd been before. He was projectile vomiting, his temp was 98, and he would not eat a thing/no appetite. It was pretty heart breaking, because even though he was depressed while he was here, he still was a sweet, funny little thing. I called him my dairy cow because he had those bony hips and big belly. We really thought we were looking at end of life, so I decided to take him home, under the impression he probably wouldn't make it through the weekend. Despite feeling pretty crappy, you could tell how happy he was to be in a home of his own. He was an instant snuggle bug and was making biscuits and exploring.


I decided to do some trouble shooting in a desperate attempt to maybe change things around for him. Diane gave me a ton of great suggestions and slowly but surely, he improved. It took quite a while, to find the right foods and meds, but we did it. Now, he's 4lbs heavier and no longer the pudgy dairy cow he was here.

He's an amazing cat, and I am so thankful I brought him home. He purrs me to sleep and wakes me up with kisses on my face. He loves to play and carry his little mousies all over the house. I can tell how happy he is, and I figured we got a good thing going, so why not just say forever? God, I love that cat. He makes me laugh every day. I wasn't sure if I was ready to adopt another kitty, but it seems clear to me we're meant to be together till the end.


Intake Date ~ May 2022

Adopted ~ September 2022

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"Hi, my name is Chancee, I am a 14-year-old cat, and I was adopted from AniMeals 2 weeks ago today! I had a tough time before my adoption, but the shelter took great care of me until I was ready to find my new home. And I found mine and now live with my new companion! I like to explore, love lots of attention, and am a lap kitty! I love my home and my new friend, who I am getting to know. Thanks, AniMeals for help with bringing my new friend together. She has promised to take good care of me throughout my golden years and we are enjoying being together."

Sassy and Paladine


Intake Date ~ December 2021

Adopted ~ January 2022


I figured since it's been three months since I took them home I would give you an update on Gnocchi and Spätzle (formerly Sassy and Paladine)!


As you can see from the photos I've attached they are doing just great. They are just the cutest couple of dumplings! They are almost always in the same room as me, following me around the house and getting involved in what I'm doing, even when I try to go to the bathroom. Spätz has even figured out how to open the door if I forget to lock it, which was a fun surprise the first few times it happened.


Otherwise, they pal around together all day, running around, knocking things off counters and putting all manner of toys in my shoes. They're also great snugglers, with Gnocchi preferring to sit on my lap when I'm on the couch and Spätzle being a real cuddlebug in the bed. They are very sweet babies and utterly fearless, even going so far as trying to play with my friend's dog when she brought him over. The pup was a little confused at first but he has a cat at home so they ended up getting along just fine. 


They're eating well and use the litter box exclusively and are happy and healthy kitties. They've proven to be a good match for me and I am very glad I adopted them. Thank you for making it possible!


Intake Date ~ January 2022

Adopted ~ March 2022


We adopted Joey (renamed Khepri) on April 23rd. We were told that he might be aggressive but that couldn’t be further from the truth. When we brought Khepri home, he was not scared or stressed out one bit; he enjoyed full body pets and was always ready to cuddle. While he was hesitant about being picked up at first, he now likes to force you to pick him up by throwing himself over your shoulder and tucking his feet under your arm. When he does this, good luck putting him back down until he’s gotten enough cuddles. Khepri is calm and trusting of everyone and everything around him.

He immediately became best friends with Baka (the tuxedo) which is perfect because they both play hard. If Khepri isn’t wearing Baka out, he’s admiring the scenery, finding cuddles, sleeping like a rock, or off to harass the other cats. Khepri is a very sweet, playful boy who fits perfectly into our family. I can’t thank AniMeals enough for everything you’ve done for him and all the other wonderful animals in your care.


Intake Date ~ March 2021

Adopted ~ March 2022


He’s slowly getting more and more comfortable in his new home. It’s been a very slow process but he’s worth the wait!

Once he was ready to explore outside of his room, he chose the safety of one side of the house that is mostly cut off from the dogs. He has access to all the necessities and it’s quieter there. He spends most of his days on my side of the bed and as soon as he sees me come toward the bedroom he perks up, talks to me, and starts purring.

He doesn’t love his dog sisters and they mostly just coexist. His kitty brother and sister haven’t fully accepted him yet but it’s a work in progress and I hope time will give them the chance to work things out.

One thing that has not been slow is his eagerness to show me his love. And this boy shows love A LOT! His favorite time, besides wet food time, is bedtime when he loves to snuggle with me. If he’s not draped over my face and chest, then he’s not close enough. Every night he and I fall asleep with him purring against my ear. While it took some time to adjust to this new sleeping arrangement, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

He shows his love with the sloppiest kisses, with very aggressive head butts (the kind to knock my glasses off my face), love bites and the wettest most disgusting nose smears all over my face, glasses and IN my ears. He really is so affectionate.

He is becoming more trusting of his other human family members and is more accepting of their love every day. My son can pet him, occasionally kiss his furry belly and head and my husband was able to pick him up the other day for a minute to snuggle him. Whisper snuggled up to my husband the other day too. This is HUGE progress!

It’s amazing to see how far he has come from his days in the shelter. He is still feisty, and we must watch his cues closely, but he is so very sweet and purrs instantly. It is heartwarming to see how happy he is in his new home and I’m excited to see how he continues to grow. I tell him often that he is home forever. I still get emotional knowing he chose me to trust. I choke up when he snuggles as closely as he can and readjusts to keep getting closer and closer.

He is loved. 


Fawn, Moon, and Luna

Intake Date ~ January 2022

Adopted ~ March 2022


We adopted Fawn and Moon and Luna on March 10th. Fawn and Moon were renamed Misty and Smoke. Luna kept her kennel name. These little ones, who were part of the cat colony living under Reserve St Bridge, seem to be bonded siblings, especially Misty and Smoke who do absolutely everything together. They run around side by side with their tails entwined. All of them were very scared and hid from us all the time at first. But as you can see from the pictures, they are adapting nicely to family life. Little Luna is a bit shyer, but she is coming along too. When she hangs back, Misty runs to her and encourages her to come and eat or play. She is really enjoying joining in now. Thank you for the great work you do caring for these sweet creatures and finding wonderful homes for them. 


Intake Date ~ January 2022

Adopted ~ January 2022


My partner and I adopted Wonder at the end of January, who is now named Zucchini. She is loving life over here in Helena! She is a purr machine and loves belly-rubs that go on forever. She’s become increasingly playful and goofy the longer we’ve had her - which has been so much fun to see! Zucchini has made our home warmer and happier, and we are so, so glad to have her in the family.


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Intake Date ~ October 2022

Adopted ~ November 2022

Here are some pictures of Froggy at her new home.  She was immediately very relieved to be here. I swear she looked around and went "Oh good. A house!" and made herself comfortable! Froggy likes to follow me around all day long, and she even helps me work (I work from home). She has her own spot next to my office chair, and she either lays there, or gets on my lap. She is also starting to be more playful and talkative this week. It's been really fun to get to know her friendly personality. 


Intake Date ~ May 2022

Adopted ~ July 2022

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Hello Animeals! Just wanted to give you an update on Willow (was previously named Stevie), I adopted her back in July after she had a pretty rough start to life. Willow is doing so well! She absolutely loves snuggle time with me followed by some serious play time. Her personality is absolutely unmatched, she is such a love bug. She continues to loooooove eating and lets me know when dinner is running a few minutes late. Thank you so much for helping babies like my sweet girl, I can't imagine my home without her. 


Intake Date ~ March 2022

Adopted ~ June 2022


Just wanted to update you all on Banty and how she is doing in her new home. I did rename her since she was still young. Her new name is Hope (aka Crazy Girl) and she’s doing absolutely amazing. It only took her about an hour after bringing her home for her to be playing with her toys, eating her food and using the litter box. She was comfortable almost immediately. Several of the photos are from her first night here. Very happy to say that she’s gained an entire pound as well! I’m so happy that I was able to adopt her. She seems very happy too.



Intake Date ~ September 2020

Adopted ~ December 2020

We wanted to give you an update on Mouse, now known as Solita Purrita, who we adopted in December of 2020. She is living her best life. In true torty fashion, Solita Purrita rules all of our other cats and dogs. She eats their food, takes over their favorite sleeping spots, and is queen of everything. But she rules with such a quiet, gentle touch they don’t complain, and in fact she’s often at the center of a cat pile. She is generous with her kisses, and prefers to kiss her humans on the nose. She doesn't like to be cuddled, but she loves to sleep on the pillow right between her humans. She smiles with her eyes, and wants to taste our coffee every morning (she never likes it...). She makes our lives much richer, and we love her so much. Thanks for all that you and her foster mom did to keep her alive when she was tiny!


Intake Date ~ March 2022

Adopted ~ July 2022



Adopted ~ September 2015

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I adopted Cooper (aka Poppy) from AniMeals in September of 2015. I looked at so many cats that I couldn't decide who to take home. I spent some time with her, and she came off as a bit snobby. Lol...As I moved on and looked at other cats, I kept hearing the same frantic meows and I looked around and saw a single white paw waving through the cage. I went over to see and guess who it was? Poppy!! She won me over with that gesture and I adopted her, or maybe she adopted me? I re-named her Cooper and she's been nothing but a sweet loving girl. She adapted well to the 2 dogs, who have both since passed on so now she's an only child, but she loves all the extra attention. She still likes to tap me for some love, it's so gentle and makes me chuckle. She's a well-loved little sweetie. I wouldn't trade her for anything. Thank you AniMeals for all you do!!


Intake Date ~ June 2021

Adopted ~ September 2021

Pancake (formerly Jay) is living the life of a king! My (23f) husband (25m) and I agree that he deserves nothing less! All his fur has regrown, and we constantly make sure he knows he’s loved and cared for! He’s our little baby he has plenty of food, toys and cuddles! He has his own baby stocking and special gifts under the tree. He’s only scared of the iRobot vacuum, but it’s okay because he hides in his safe spot: our bedroom. He’s not only our pet, but he’s also part of our family.



Intake Date ~ August 2022

Adopted ~ September 2022

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Intake Date ~ March 2022

Adopted ~ May 2022



Intake Date ~ October 2020

Adopted ~ March 2022


Intake Date ~ October 2021

Adopted ~ October 2021



Intake Date ~ August 2022

Adopted ~ September 2022



Intake Date ~ March 2022

Adopted ~ July 2022

I adopted Gimli about 4 months ago. She was one of the cats rescued from under the Reserve St Bridge.

We renamed her Luna and I wanted to send you some pictures of her journey. She is beautiful, just beginning her experience with comfort. Playing with toys and purring and running around with her new brothers. She is basically a kitten even though she is almost 2. 

She found a safe space in our home that she returns to if she needs to or when she is ready to deep sleep. In that space she is 100% at peace now and even approachable. But we have decided to not disrupt her very often other than treats and pets when she picks to be there. Her choice of places to hang out is about 80% with us and 20% in her safe space. Her brothers are often with her when she sleeps up there under her chair or on it.

Her connection to her humans is still tentative but she will sit close to us, she will accept pets at her discretion, and is sleeping in locations that are more open/ vulnerable. Cat trees, the couch, in front of windows instead of under chairs or tables or beds. She has gained weight, not eating canned food all the time but eating treats and unlimited hard food. Most importantly we love her. She is beautiful and a gift. Thank you for saving her for us.


Marcia Brady

Intake Date ~ May 2022

Adopted ~ June 2022

In a few days, we will be celebrating our 6th month adoption date with Braidy! (Formerly known as Marcia Brady). Braidy came home with me on 6/23/22. She found her safe haven in the basement, and we bonded immediately. I spent a lot of time in the basement! It took about 5 days for her to get brave enough to come upstairs on her own.  She has since discovered she has 2 humans to boss, that will cater to her! She has been introduced to the outdoors and loves to go out (with supervision).  She LOVES to run in the grass and explore new smells. However, not a fan of the snow and cold! She loves hairbrushes, belly rubs, ear scratches, and of course treats! Braidy is living her best life and has added so much to ours.  



Intake Date ~ September 2022

Adopted ~ September 2022



Intake Date ~ August 2022

Adopted ~ September 2022

My boyfriend and I adopted her at the end of September, and she has grown so much with us! Nona has had no problems adjusting into our home, and quickly found her cozy spots on our couch and bed. She is such a playful girl, she loves laser pointers and toys attached to a string. She loves staring out of the windows at any people or deer walking by. I’m surprised by how vocal she is, I love hearing her chirp and meow when i’m preparing her food or scratching her chin. Nona has greatly improved our lives, she has so much personality and we are so in love with her.

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Intake Date ~ May 2022

Adopted ~ July 2022

I read Grogu’s story and was instantly attached.  We already had two other cats, and had no plans to get a third, but Grogu stole my heart right from the first post. Grogu has two other cat sisters and two dog brothers who she loves so much.  She loves on the dogs all the time, and plays with the cats daily.  She gives all of us so much affection and head bumps throughout the day.  She paws us when she asks for our attention, and is one of the most vocal cats I have ever met. She loves my daughter and sleeps in bed with her every night.  We couldn’t have asked for a better companion that we never intended to have.

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Intake Date ~ October 2019

Adopted ~ January 2020

We adopted Ember (previously Camo) in January of 2020. She was around 2/3 at the time. I remember how happy she was when I brought her home and let her out of her carrier. She zipped around my bedroom and made sure to give me hugs and boops each time she passed me. My Husband likes to tell people about mine and Ember’s bond.. because she is literally me in cat form. She responds to communication with me so well, it’s incredible. We speak the same language. She is not a lap cat, but she makes sure to let you know she loves you in her own ways. Lots of head bumps, nose boops, and lovey eyes.  She enjoys going on walks outside in her stroller (yes, we totally got a stroller for our cats), sleeping in the sun, and playing hide and seek (yes, really!!). She has been with us for 3 moves and is now helping us raise her new sister, Boo. We took to slow introduction approach and were successful. Ember and Boo enjoy sleeping together and bathing each other. They’re constantly checking on another, it’s adorable. Although Ember doesn’t have as much energy as Boo anymore, she still dedicates a few hours of her day to playing with Boo. We love our Ember so so so much. Our beautiful Tortie girl! 

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Intake Date ~ April 2022

Adopted ~ June 2022

I thought I’d send a happy endings segment on the little man I adopted last summer. He is one of Jangos babies I was fostering. At first, he was known as Barley, but my husband renamed him Hooper. He is one funny little dude. Insists on sleeping with my husband and I between our pillows. His favorite hobby is fetching. Mainly rubber bands. He will bring it back, drop it and tap your foot to have it thrown again. He loves his two big brothers Murphy and Mikey. He wants to be a part of everything that’s going on. We love him to death.


Evaro & Yo-Yo Paw


 Evaro Intake Date ~ February 2018

Yo-Yo Paw Intake Date ~ September 2022

Adopted ~ October 2022


Intake Date ~ April 2022

Adopted ~ June 2022


Phineas and Ferb

Intake Date ~ May 2022

Adopted ~ August 2022

We Adopted Phinneas and Ferb in August 2022.  They are now Binsky (the tuxedo) and Furbo (the panther).  We love them both so much.  They get along well with our cats Cora and Weebee.  Everyone has fun playing with wand toys, chasing each other or chasing the laser pointer.  We are delighted by their sweet natures.  They have been a wonderful addition to our household- and I can't imagine life without them.  Thank you for rescuing them and giving us the privilege of adopting them.  

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Luna Marie

Intake Date ~ June 2022

Adopted ~ July 2022

 I adopted Luna Marie from you almost a year ago and I am so excited to be updating you! She now goes by Lupine (lupert, lou girl, bunny, tiny, loopy, stinker) and she is absolutely thriving!


I adopted lupine from AniMeals while living in Montana for the summer and at the end of the summer I moved her back to Alabama with me. I was worried about the move but she was absolutely wonderful during the whole thing and fell in love with her new home down south. She has really settled in and become so playful, goofy, and cuddly. She loves her cat tree and little round trinkets, hates the broom and when I take showers, and has recently discovered a fascination with yogurt. She is a little beam of sunshine in every day, and I could not imagine life without her. She is perfect in every way. Thank you all so much for letting us give each other a second chance.  

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Intake Date ~ December 2021

Adopted ~ January 2022

He started very shy, refusing to come out from under furniture except to eat, but he is now a playful lap cat with so much personality. He makes me happy every day. Thank you so much for giving him and me the opportunity to come into each other's lives.

Things Merlot likes:

1. Helping me with whatever I am doing (cooking, sewing, laundry, etc.)

2. Sleeping in his chair or on my feet

3. Lemon bars and sweet potato

4. Toys, particularly strings, feathers, felt balls, and his stuffed flamingo

5. Playdates with his buddy, Chill

Things Merlot does not like:

1. The sound of the yoga mat being unfurled or anything food being fried

2. Salmon and tuna

3. Me paying attention to Zoom meetings instead of playing with him

4. The fact that he cannot jump through the window to eat all the tasty birds and squirrels in my neighborhood

5. When I use lemongrass spray on my plants



Intake Date ~ March 2022

Adopted ~  May 2022

My husband Randy and I adopted our third cat, Zissou (formerly Sauerkraut) in May of last year. We just celebrated his first birthday on the 8th! He has fit into our family so well. He’s a very sweet, well-behaved boy. He has a best friend in Midna, who is four months younger, and our oldest cat Murray (formerly Dillon, another AniMeals alumni we adopted in 2014) loves watching their kitten antics. Thank you so much for saving kitties like Murray and Zissou to give them a chance at a better life! You do amazing work!

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Intake Date ~ November 2022

Adopted ~ January 2023


Sass & Pricilla

Intake Date ~ April 2019

Adopted ~ December 2019



Intake Date ~ April 2022

Adopted ~ July 2022

Little life update for Piggy (Coco) as she turns 1 tomorrow! She has grown so much in her new home. She loves to play with all her toys, but her favorite toy is still the one that she got from the shelter. She is a shy girl when it comes to strangers but when she gets to know you, she warms up quick. She’s very talkative. She’s good at letting you know when it’s time to eat and when it’s time for dinner. Thank you, guys, again so so much for giving me the opportunity to adopt piggy she has just been the best and I love her crazy personality!



Intake Date ~ January 2022

Adopted ~ May 2022

She runs the house with her sassy energy. She loves belly rubs, playing with toys, eating top shelf food, following her mom around, no personal space, and cuddling. She likes to pretend she's a dog and wag her tail when she's happy. She greets her mom at the door asking where she's been and makes sure to get the full attention. She's the greatest addition to the house that she now runs.


Intake Date ~ March 2022

Adopted ~ April 2022


Pluto & Jupiter

Intake Date ~ September 2019

Adopted ~ April 2021

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Dale & Brennon

Intake Date ~ September 2019

Adopted ~ October 2022

I adopted Dale and Brennen in October and they have brought so much love and happiness into my life.  

Brennen (also; Benny) was shy at first, but after a couple weeks is the most confident and vocal boy! He loves every seat on the cat tree, playtime, and purrs every time he is picked up. He is so vocal and trills and meows around the house. 

Daley girl is a sweetheart as always. She is a big lump of love, and always nearby.  She is so gentle, loves to roll over for belly rubs, paw at the shower, and chirp at the birds outside. Loudest purr I have ever heard! 

Their love for each other is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen, they play and zoom around the apartment and always sleep next to each other at night. We love lazy afternoons spent bird/squirrel watching together!  

Thank you animeals for the amazing work that you do, and for bringing these kitties into their furever home!



Intake Date ~ March 2022

Adopted ~ May 2022

We adopted Sal (Lucky) at the end of May last year. He was the final addition to our six-pack! He loves all of his brothers and sisters so much. He is the sweetest, friendliest, most outgoing cat we have ever met! So thankful we were “Lucky” enough to get this boy from AniMeals! We love him so much! 

Lucky 7 .jpg


Intake Date ~ September 2022

Adopted ~ March 2023

Blanche 7.jpg


Intake Date ~ December 2022

Adopted ~ April 2023

Freddy 4.jpg


Intake Date ~ March 2022

Adopted ~ May 2022

I adopted Emily (now Mojo) about three months ago now and it ended up being a perfect match! She had some trauma, so it took her some time to settle in, she liked to hide inside the couch for a while at the beginning, but once she did, she has developed the cutest, most adorable personality. She loves to cuddle and play with toys. Felt balls that she can chase are her favorite. Her new favorite napping spot is in a patch of sunshine on the back of the couch. 


She's finally at a healthy weight and her coat has filled out and is super soft! Her dandruff is gone and she is active and nimble. She likes to hunt flies that get in the house and it's so cute! She's growing up so fast.


(406) 721-4710

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Monday: 12:00 - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 12:00 - 6:00pm
Wednesday: 12:00 - 6:00pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 12:00 - 6:00pm
Saturday: 12:00 - 6:00pm
Sunday: 12:00 - 6:00pm

1700 Rankin St.
Missoula, MT 59808

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AniMeals is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID 20-4694132.

© 2024 by AniMeals No-Kill Adoption Center and Animal Food Bank.

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